Expatriate health care insurance
If you are an expatriate working and living in the Netherlands, you will have to take out a health insurance in the Netherlands. Every health care insurer will have to accept your application for the basic healthcare package whether you are in a good health condition or not. This basic package is in fact the same for every provider, they only differ in price. So it’s very important to compare Dutch health care insurance providers before choosing. On the comparison site zorgkiezer.nl you can find all the different insurers in 2012. For personal assistance you can call 020-6890052.
Healthcare packages
The basic Dutch health insurance consists of visits to a general practitioner, hospital stays, dental care for up to age 18, prescription medicine and various appliances. The price for this package is around 100 Euros. If you think you might be using care that is not included in the basic care package you can get an additional package. The prices for these extra insurances vary quite a lot between the providers. So before choosing a healthcare extra, make sure that you have compared all the options.
Students insurance
If you are a foreign student going to the Netherlands, you will have to take out a healthcare insurance in most cases. There is one exception though, if you are a student with the sole purpose of studying, you will not have to take out any healthcare insurance. A traveling insurance or a students health insurance from your home country will suffice. But most students actually have a part-time job or a paid intern-/traineeship in which case you will not be seen as a student and will have to insure yourself for healthcare. On zorgkiezer.nl you can compare all the different providers. If you need assistance with choosing the right healthcare package, you can also call 020-6890052.
Laatste update op 21 oktober 2011 – 14:16
Expert op het gebied van het financiële product zorgverzekeringen, gericht op consumenten. Telefonisch en schriftelijk contact met consumenten om hen, op basis van hun wensen, te begeleiden in welke zorgverzekering passend is. WFT zorg (Wet op financieel toezicht) certificering behaald in 2018.